Take the stress out of video meetings. Telecommuting is no excuse to take a casual approach to workplace communication. It’s important to treat...
Author - adminb2b
Fast video editing without taking your hands off the keyboard Using keyboard shortcuts is an easy way to speed up your workflow in any program on...
When it comes to webinars, sometimes the smallest mistake can make the difference between an awesome event and an epic fail. Watch “10 Common Webinar...
There are webinars — and there are webinars that truly ROCK! In this on-demand webinar, ON24 Chief Webinerd Mark Bornstein will highlight some...
Webinars are one of the most powerful tools that we have as marketers, yet many webinars are still boring, talking PowerPoint presentations. Attend...
Learn how Appian gives you the power to improve the business impact of your clinical studies. Due to the COVID-19 disruption in the life sciences...
GlaxoSmithKline discusses automation of study design and delivery lifecycle and leveraging low-code automation. Appian sits down with GlaxoSmithKline...
Recently, a survey of life sciences organizations across the globe, and their decision makers, highlighted why they are putting automation at the...
See a live demonstration of the capabilities of Appian’s solution for the study design and execution lifecycle. COVID-19 has greatly disrupted the...
See how a low-code automation platform can help the study start up and the life sciences product lifecycle. The life sciences industry has been...